Here are a couple of pictures from the Clothes Giveaway at Triumph Church last Saturday. What a day - and to think we almost cancelled it due to bad weather! In fact, I ended up with a sun burn it was so bright out. This event certainly met a need in our community. People were carrying away loads of clothes (many times we had to help them carry bags they were so heavy). But the point was to get these clothes into the hands and onto the backs of those who can use them. Pastor Moses' son announced over the loud speaker several times for people to take as much as they could and to call friends and family to let them know what was going on. Even with all of the clothes we gave away - and we were still pulling out clothes to sort and put on the tables up to the end of the day - we still had some left over. Many people were touched that everything was free - clothes, shoes, toys, and food. There were many smiles from children who may have received their only present they will get this Christmas. Some of the kids (probably adults too) were back several times for burgers and hotdogs.
This is what being the church is all about - two very different churches from different parts of town getting together to give hope and show God's love in a practical way to people who are in need. I'm looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us next (Spring Fling? More than one Back to School Bash? - only He knows).