Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This Old House

Why is it that my parent's home that was built 25 years before mine seems to have aged so much better? It seems like the list of things needing replacement continues to grow at an ever increasing speed. Flooring, door knobs, appliances, windows and furnature. Maybe its just that I didn't notice all the work and repairs that my parents did over the years. Sometimes Condo living seems so inviting but after having lived in dorms/apartments while I was in college and condos when we were first married, I don't know if I would want some other family living on the otherside of the wall.

I just finished an almost three month project to redo the boy's bathroom which was in really bad shape. Of course if I wasn't learning as I go, it probably should have only taken me a couple of weeks. Hopefully the boys won't destroy this one before they move out. Now we are on to replacing living room and dining room carpet with wood laminate flooring. Seemed simple when I took the do-it-yourself class - I estimated three days. We'll see how long it really takes me to get it right. However, the carpet in the family room, as bad as it looks, stays until the kids and the pets are gone.

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