Friday, May 16, 2008

"A Day of Love" Outreach Event

Here are some photos that I meant to post earlier this week. As you can see, the event was quite well received - clothes give away; blood pressure check; fish fry; snow cones; drinks; big inflatable toys; etc... Just to show the community on Franklin Street that they aren't forgotten and that somebody cares.

As great the amount of clothes given away, it sure didn't seem to put a dent in the amount remaining. Funny how that keeps happening. We'll need a warehouse soon to house the clothing ministry.

The fish fry was also a major hit. It helped that the fish was awesome tasting (the grits on the other hand were still grits). One man made about eight take out plates of fish and fixings and took them with him - I guess when you don't know where your next meal is coming from you take what you can when it is available.

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