Monday, October 8, 2007

In the Heat of the Night

Just when you think nothing more could go wrong, think again. Yesterday I came home in the afternoon after making some visits with Logan and Robert H. The first thing I noticed when I entered the house was that the temperature was warm and the humidity was up. The thermostat showed a temperature of about 82+ degrees.

My indoor unit was humming, not running. Outside, the line had frozen up. I let it all thaw and then tried running the system again but it immediately started to freeze again. Time to call the AC service people. Fortunately many advertise 24-hour service, seven days a week. I called my normal company first and got their answering service - she would pass the message. After about two hours, I determined that she really hadn't or whoever got the message didn't want to come out on a Sunday evening. The second number I called said it was out of service. With the third company, I got a message saying that he was on another line or with a customer. I kind of doubt he was since he never called me back. Well, it got to be late so I decided that I would try again in the morning. So much for 24-hour service!

Following a rather warm and humid evening in the house, I did get someone to come out in the morning. I have a bad "card" in my unit. However, as I have been aware, my unit is about 14 years old so putting a bunch of money in replacing electronics didn't seem a wise investment. So we have opted to replace our air handler. Its not like we have something better to spend money on...

So Laura and I spent a warm day painting in the bathroom - part of the repairs following our broken pipe.

I love, errr... like my house, I like my house...


Allison said...

I think it's time to call trading spaces, with all your home projects lately, I'm pretty sure you two could work on the show as designers....I wish you no more home repairs for at least 24 hours. :-)

Chrissy said...

Ummmmmm, so does money grow on trees now? Where was that tree when I lived at home?!?

MsNatrL said...

mmm...I just happen to know a good AC guy. Next time your in need call me. LOL