Here are a few of the photos that we took while in and around Banff.
First a couple of shots of our hotel - or "Canada's Castle in the Rockies" as it is called:
Banff is situated in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, within Banff National Park - Canada's first national park. It is a very scenic place. We had beautiful weather most of the time we were there - highs in the low to mid-70's. We did have one drizzly day. Here are a few of the sights that we caught on camera:
If you would like to see more, don't worry. We have 248 photos that we have had developed so others can share in the sights of our trip. Family members are expected to sit through the whole pile and act interested.
Mountains and Mommies and Bears, OH MY! What beautiful pictures! They look like postcards. Speaking of postcards, I got mine yesterday. Thank you!!
So now I want to stay in a castle. These pictures are beautiful! Emma says thank you for her post card and hopes the food you're eating in your far away place is tastes better than the post card tastes.
OMG...those pics are amazing! You are so very lucky for a wonderful family!
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